
Best Games To Play High Domain_10


  1. The best party games to play while stoned
  2. The best video games to play while stoned
  3. Drag your social and solo smoking sessions with these games

What makes a great business firm party or social issue with friends? Laugh out loud moments, junk food, and weed of class! If, all the same, you are stumped when it comes to the best games to play when the party is flowing and the marijuana is on point, our selection of the best weed-related games volition elevate your event to legendary status. Even if information technology doesn't, at to the lowest degree your guests volition experience like they're on cloud ix.

Party game or video game, there'due south something for everyone

Don't worry if the thought of sitting in front of a TV has y'all turned off from playing weed-themed games; we have collated a mix of regular party games (with a twist of class) and video games to be played solo or with a group. All that's left for y'all to practise is make up one's mind which one you want to play start, and brand sure there is plenty of cannabis to go around. Pot is all well-nigh having fun, so permit the adept times roll.

The All-time Party Games To Play While Stoned

Without further ado, here are the best political party games to play while in flight. Ready yourselves for one of the all-time nights of your life.

In no detail order, each option either features weed at its core, or as a forfeit that puts your stash to expert use.

1. Movie fourth dimension

Another game that has a ruleset determined by the party host. Pick a picture show category of your choice—could be horror, romcom, or action. And so, decide on a suitable set of rules. If it's a horror, everytime someone gets killed, all players have to have a drag. For a romcom, it could be every time someone on screen kisses another member of the bandage. The pick is up to you.

For the hardcore among you lot, a fan favourite is the Fri The 13th game. While watching any of the movies, yous have to take a hitting when the following happens:

  • Jason appears on screen
  • Whatever of the cast get naked
  • In that location is a sex scene
  • When the iconic, suspenseful music kicks in
  • Anytime someone screams (either in the film or in existent life)
  • Whenever a dead torso is shown
  • Someone says "Jason"
  • No 1 has ever made it through all eleven films...

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

2. Bong pong

Who said you couldn't remake a classic? Continuing opposite each other, two players must bounce a ping pong ball into a cup of beer or water. Should they succeed, they get to burn down up a joint. Equally an additional bonus, successful shots can either be rewarded with a shot of beer, or that can be the forfeit for the losing histrion. Either fashion, both parties are going to exist stumbling away from the table.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

3. Medusa

In Greek mythology, looking at Medusa would plow you to stone. In this variation, looking at another player will get you stoned—close plenty, right? With a joint in paw, all players start the game with their heads down, looking at their feet. After existence counted in, all players must wait up and stare wide-eyed at another histrion. If the person you are looking at is looking at someone else, you are OK. If they are looking directly at yous, yell "MEDUSA!". Both of you lot take to low-cal your joint and have a toke. The game ends when all players have a lit joint, or anybody is also stoned to continue.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

four. Direct-faced stoner

Never has one title contradicted itself so much. The hazard of a directly-faced stoner is slim to none, so you tin can imagine how high everyone is going to be at the finish. The premise is simple; one time anybody is loftier, all participants have to keep a directly face. The first 1 to smile, laugh, or awkwardly snort through their nose has to do a penalty of the group'south choosing. That could be a hit from the bong, or much worse.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

5. Strip Choker

No house party would be complete without some mild nudity. To support what is often a rite of passage for many young adults, strip choker is played almost exactly as it sounds.

As a gracious host, it's worth checking that everyone'southward okay with potentially stripping downward to their underwear. Bold they are, the rules are uncomplicated: while sitting in a circle, a bong or dab rig is passed effectually. Each participant takes a hitting.

The simply requirement is to hold that hit in until the bong comes back effectually to you. If any actor coughs and splutters between turns, an item of clothing comes off.

Now, how far volition this game progress? That will exist up to you.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

six. Lungs

Here's a archetype game that'due south familiar to every stoner you'll meet. It goes past different names, depending on where yous are in the world, merely the rules remain the same.

Just like Strip Choker, Lungs is all about containing that precious fume. If yous're smoking a joint, have a puff, concur it in, and pass the spliff around until it goes full circle back to you.

But unlike Strip Choker, the losers of this game won't necessarily take to strip. Punishments can vary, from button-ups to a much-avoided shot of tequila. Likewise dissimilar strip choker, winners get a reward here. A special treat from the munchies table, possibly?

Pro tip: keep your players to a maximum of five. You wouldn't want anyone passing out or potentially developing health problems. You can besides swap out a edgeless or articulation for a vaporizer to avoid that tar intake.

Another way to play this game is to add a timer to the equation. Whoever holds their hit the longest, wins.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

7. Never Accept I E'er

This ane'south originally for the drinking oversupply, but stoners are geniuses in their own right, and they've establish a way to contain this into smoking sessions.

Never Have I Ever is easier to play when everyone has a glass of their own. So for a weed party, exist certain you have enough herb to go around.

The mechanics are unproblematic: everyone gathers effectually and a person says, "Never Have I Ever…", then details a specific experience. If you've ever done said action or experience, y'all take a striking.

This game is usually sexually charged, just you lot can keep it wholesome. Or not.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

The Best Video Games To Play While Stoned

The following are aimed at the gamers out there. For those of y'all who like to light up and zone in, these games are the perfect loftier accompaniment.

eight. Limbo (Puzzle video game)

Whether it is the dynamic of the puzzles or the simple elegance of the game design, something almost the greyscale approach is both haunting and mesmerising at the same time. Suitable for either indica or sativa strains, Limbo will be sure to open your mind to new possibilities and keep your guests interested as they try to predict your next wrong motion. Take turns to play and recollect, every time y'all fail a puzzle or dice, information technology's time to accept a toke.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

9. Rock band

The net is awash with memes of people rocking their heart out to Stone Band. While chasing net fame may be a byproduct, nada screams good times like a stoner trying to sing "Afroman — Considering I Got High" while your mates effort and play the remaining instruments. Anyone that fails the song or loses timing through laughter has to take a depict from their articulation.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

10. Mario Kart 64

If there is one thing Nintendo excels at, it's making party-friendly games that are fun no matter your historic period. We don't imagine for ane second the developers thought their prized creation would become a staple of marijuana-themed antics. Players give it their all to come up in first, except at that place is no forfeit this time effectually. Instead, a bonus. Those that identify first get to take a hit from the bong; those that lose don't. The just problem with this game is there is e'er i super-competitive friend. At very least, the higher they become, the worse they'll perform...hopefully.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

11. Skrym

Don't worry if you oasis't "Fus Ro Dah'd" yet, because Skyrim will soon be released on every platform imaginable. Information technology is not without good reason though; the mystic setting, dragons, and the tale of an underdog accept cemented Skyrim's identify in the video game hall of fame. The rules can be as fast and loose every bit you like, but 1 proffer would be taking a hit from the bong every fourth dimension a guard tries to take you to jail or your companion gets downed. Oh, and yous take to take a hit every time y'all see a dragon. Other than that, the rules are up to you!

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

12. Thousand Theft Auto

The highest-grossing game of all time is also the perfect way to chill and become high with friends. Besides the complete randomness of the game, you lot tin, in fact, kickoff your own weed empire, slowly amassing a powerful Los Santos-based business organisation. To be honest, this game is merely fun to play full stop, even if you're not stoned. Although, the dialogue does take on new significant when baked and trying to play. As a fun mini-game, make sure you smoke everytime someone gets run over—you'll thank usa later.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

13. Jackbox Party

Anybody loves a good interactive team game that'll brand you think. But if you mix in a bit (or a lot) of THC, things can get pretty interesting.

The Jackbox Party pack can easily plow a fairly tiresome smoking session into a rowdy bash y'all won't forget in a long time. It includes a listing of games to choose from, such every bit "Y'all Don't Know Jack", a multiple-choice trivia game where y'all earn in-game coin for answering correctly. Yous tin also "screw" your opponents into answering wrongly, and therefore make them lose.

"Drawful" will exam your drawing skills. You're made to turn a giddy phrase into an image. A list of answers, including the actual phrase, will then be presented, which the players need to make a gauge from. You lot earn points for guessing the original phrase.

These are merely 2 examples of what you lot're getting into. And since this is a thinking person'south game, be sure you have a reliable sativa to keep that cerebral motor running.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

14. Super Smash Bros.

Fighting games require a practiced amount of hand-eye coordination. However, if you're stoned to the gills, that becomes a bit of a claiming.

But what's great nearly Super Smash Bros. is that information technology's also a treat for the senses. Action sequences can get boisterous in the best fashion possible. It's colourful chaos that y'all'd but run across elsewhere in a pinball machine.

It can be described every bit a wholesome version of Tekken with a few Final Fantasy elements. It likewise involves your favourite video game superheroes like Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, Pikachu, Ryu (of Street Fighter fame), and, of course, the Mario Bros. As one game reviewer brilliantly put information technology, it'due south the "perfect digital action figure toy box".

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

15. Call of Duty

Just like with the Grand Theft Machine serial, what makes Call of Duty stand out is its realism. The first-person shooter position puts you right at the front line of the battlefield, and you lot'll feel each hit as if the bullet pierced right through you.

Now, you may think it would be an absurd idea to play such a gory game while loftier, but you'd exist surprised. Your coordination, aim, and power to maneuver volition be challenged. You call back your server is lagging? No, that'south all thank you to your fried encephalon.

Turn it into a multiplayer affair to spice things up. Simply to level the playing field, take everyone smoke a fat one first. So you'll come across who the real Call of Duty gnaw is.

Top 15 Games To Play When You're High or Stoned

Drag Your Social and Solo Smoking Sessions With These Games

There'south a reason people are drawn to the magic herb that is marijuana. Apart from elevating your senses, it creates a fun, wholesome experience for yous to savor with friends.

So for your side by side smoking session, try these loftier games out. You may fumble at times, only yous're guaranteed to have a blast!


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